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23+ Ketika Ikan Cupang Sudah Bertelur

Hey guys! So, I was scrolling through the internet, minding my own business, when I stumbled upon some pretty interesting pictures. It seems like people these days are really into something called “ikan cupang”. Now, I don’t know about you, but I had never heard of this before. So, I did some digging and found out that ikan cupang is actually a type of fish. Who knew?

So, what’s the big deal?

Well, apparently ikan cupang is a pretty big deal in Indonesia. People are keeping them as pets, breeding them, and even selling them for a pretty penny. And, get this, these fish are pretty dang territorial. Apparently, if you put two male cupang fish in the same tank, they’ll fight to the death. Yikes!

Babies on board

But, here’s where things get really interesting. Not only are people breeding ikan cupang, but they’re breeding them for their eggs. That’s right, the fish lay eggs, just like birds! And, apparently, you can tell if the eggs are fertilized or not by looking at a little white spot on the yolk. Who knew there was so much to learn about fish reproduction?

How to make some money with ikan cupang

Now, if you’re interested in making some money with ikan cupang, there are a few things you should know. First of all, you’re going to need some tanks. Lots of tanks. You’re also going to need some special food and some pretty serious water filtration systems. And, of course, you’ll need to know how to breed the fish and care for the eggs. But, if you can pull it off, you can apparently sell the baby fish for upwards of $100 per pair. Not too shabby.

In conclusion

So, there you have it folks. Ikan cupang. Who knew fish could be so interesting? If you’re looking for a new hobby or a way to make some extra cash, maybe give these little guys a shot. Just don’t put two males in the same tank. Trust me on that one.

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